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 Get ready for our second Egyptian Festival on November 2-3, 2024
  •  Lately we have been experiencing trouble with “REMIND” announcements & gradually we will be shifting to our official Diocese / Church App called “LA COPTS”

Important: To be able to participate in the board election ,receive all church updates,  pictures & announcements please download “LA COPTS” App and create an account

  • iPhone Apple store – client here
  • Android Play store, click here
كنيسة الصليب المقدس القبطية الأرثوذكسية في سان دييجو ، كاليفورنيا. نشكر ربنا كنيستنا تنموا هنا فى شمال سان دييجو، ويسعدنا أن نشارككم اخبار التقدم في بناء وترميم كنيستنا. من خلال تبرعاتكم السخية ودعمكم من العام الماضي ، تمكنا من شراء حامل الأيقونات الجديد لكنيستنا ، والتي سيتم تركيبة في بداية العام الجديد بإذن الله. المجد لك يارب مع استمرار نمو كنيستنا ، وجدنا حاجة ملحة لإنشاء فصول نظيفة ومريحة للأطفال لخدمة مدرسة الأحد لكي ينمووا ويتعلموا في الكنيسة. هدفنا إنشاء ٧ فصول دراسية مخصصة لخدمة جميع الفئات العمرية. نحن ندعوك للمساعدة في دعم هذا المشروع.
+ يقول سفر المزامير "قَدِّمُوا لِلرَّبِّ مَجْدَ اسْمِهِ. هَاتُوا تَقْدِمَةً وَادْخُلُوا دِيَارَهُ"
مازال هناك الكثير من الانشاءات و الخدمات التي تحتاج للعمل و البناء في الكنيسة.
الرب يبارك عطاياكم و محبتكم و يعوض الجميع اضعافا في ملكوته الابدي لان "مِنْكَ الْجَمِيعَ وَمِنْ يَدِكَ أَعْطَيْنَاكَ"

يمكنك التبرع من خلال مواقعنا الإلكترونية
HolyCross website
login to venmo "@HolyCrossSD"
Zelle Donation to "Holycrosscocfinance@gmail.com"
أو عن طريق إرسال شيك بالبريد إلى صندوق البريد
PO Box # 460865, Escondido, CA 92046
Holy Cross Coptic Orthodox Church in San Diego, CA.
We are a growing community here in North county, and we are excited to share with you the progress of the building and renovating of our Church. From all your generous donations and support from this past year, we have been able to purchase a new, beautiful iconostasis for our church, which will be installed in the beginning of the New Year, God willing. Glory to God! As our church continues to grow, we have found a pressing need to establish a clean, comfortable space for the children in our Sunday school service to grow and learn in the Church. Our goal is to establish 7 designated classrooms in to order to serve all age groups. We are inviting you to help support this project.
King David tells us in the Psalms
“Give to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering and come into His courts”
May God reward your support and bless you abundantly. You can donate through our website at
Holy Cross website
login to venmo "@HolyCrossSD"
Zelle Donation to "Holycrosscocfinance@gmail.com"
أو عن طريق إرسال شيك بالبريد إلى صندوق البريد
PO Box # 460865, Escondido, CA 92046

Holy Cross Coptic Orthodox Church was established on October 16, 2013 as the second parish to serve the County of San Diego. It began as an idea to serve families living in the northern part of the county, which includes the cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, San Marcos, Escondido and more. The first service was held in Oceanside under the care of His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion during the three-day Feast of the Cross in September 2013. Since then several priests have served the parish during the weekly Divine Liturgy on Sundays. Now, Father George Awad is serving this congregation. 

Mission Statement

The Mission of Holy Cross Coptic Orthodox Church in San Diego is to worship, to love and to serve. The Church strive to serve the local community in the image of Christ, to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all [things that He has] commanded” so that all people may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth:

To preach, in accordance with God’s will, the fullness of the gospel of the Kingdom to the peoples of San Diego county and to invite them to become members of the Orthodox Church.

To be the body of Christ and to be faithful to the tradition of the Holy Orthodox Church.

To witness to the truth, and by God’s grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to reveal Christ’s way of sanctification and eternal salvation to all.

Our service includes celebrating the Holy Mysteries, while furthering the traditions of the Coptic Orthodox Church through Sunday School and assorted Bible studies and fellowships. As the church grows in San Diego county community, it will strive to further reach out and serve the community in every aspect.

Church Updates:

  • Statement regarding Sexual misconduct: Click Here
  •  Holy Cross church is currently Renovating the new location. We need your help. 
  • Please click this link to read about the steps the church is taking to limit the spread of COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS  COVID-19