


Our church will resume services on Sunday, June 7th, 2020.

Based on guidance from H.E. Metropolitan Serapion and directions from the San Diego County leaders/ Officials,  churches will be allowed to reopen Wednesday with certain restrictions.

“We are not putting any pressure on anyone to come to church until they want to come, ready to come, comfortable in coming,”

Some of the guidelines include limiting attendance to 25 percent of building capacity or 100  Attendees, whichever is lower, and arranging for social distancing.

See some of the other restrictions below:

  • Shorten services to limit the length of time congregants/visitors spend at facilities whenever possible.
  • Face coverings are always strongly recommended  for congregants/visitors and staff.
  • Discontinue large gatherings that encourage congregants/visitors to travel and break physical distances during activities, such as concerts, large holiday and life event celebrations and remembrances.
  • No Sunday School and discontinue activities and services for children.
  • Prop or hold doors open during peak periods when congregants/visitors are entering and exiting facilities, if possible and in accordance with security and safety protocols.
  • Close or restrict common areas, such as break rooms, kitchenettes, foyers, etc. where people are likely to congregate and interact.
  • Reconfigure podiums and speaker areas, office spaces, meeting rooms, conference rooms, etc., to allow for at least 6 feet between people.
  • Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic, if possible, and designate separate routes for entry and exit into meeting rooms, offices, etc., to help maintain physical distancing and lessen the instances of people closely passing each other.
  • Close self-service item selection such as pamphlet displays and bookshelves and provide these items to congregants/visitors individually as necessary.
  • Consider limiting the number of people that use the restroom at one time to allow for physical distancing.
  • Discourage congregants, visitors, etc., from engaging in handshakes, hugs, and similar greetings that break physical distance.
  • Reconfigure parking lots to limit congregation points and ensure proper separation (e.g., closing every other space).
  • Discontinue offering food and beverages.

