
Sunday School


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Sunday School forms an essential part of the Coptic Orthodox Church, playing a vital role in educating our youth in matters of faith and history, as well as implanting the values of love and peace in our youth from a young age, preparing them to be the light of the world and sheep among wolves.

Sunday School began exactly 100 years ago, in 1918, when the Saintly Archdeacon Habib Girgis composed a syllabus to educate all ages of youth in matters of the church and spirituality. This helped cement the culture of religious education that has existed since the Coptic Church’s foundation, when St Mark established the world’s first Christian educational college: the School of Alexandria. 

At our Holy Cross church , we have several Sunday School classes depending on age. Each class has its own syllabus, and addresses the issues most pressing at that time of the young person’s life.

Please join us for Sunday School at our church every Sunday after the Holy Liturgy.

Pre-School Class